Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Explanations regarding 2co

Just as last time that I wrote questions regarding 2co's acting in this affair, I feel that I get many comments about the blog entry from people that just have read the last few posts and argues about that 2co has already answered everything, that they have handled everything perfect, that I'm spreading misinformation and so on. So it's time for some explanations again.
Please note that this isn't directed towards 2co, this is just an explanation to the readers that don't want to spend several hours reading 2co's forums and the 70+ post on this blog, including discussions in the comments. I'll try to cover some of the reactions point by point.

Everyone who is worried can just cancel their orders!

I don't believe it to be the customers responsibility to investigate the legitimacy of a product sold by a reputable company like 2checkout (remember that they are Medisons reseller, not just payment provider). If a customer purchase a product, they should expect to get it delivered, or if it cannot be delivered get a cancellation notice in a reasonable time frame with an explanation.
Let's also remember that there is lots of people out there that doesn't read Swedish technews, this blog, 2co's forum or any other source that brings light on this issue. Many people have probably totally forgot about that they placed an order three months ago.

2co has already answered the questions, stop bugging them!

Yes and no. I took their statement about the canceled orders as just what they wrote, that it just was about the orders marked as shipped. But as you can read in the comments of my previous postings, on 2co's forums and on several news sites many understood it as all orders was canceled. Therefore I felt that a clarification on the matter was needed from 2co's side. And as it turned out, it was just as I suspected, and a clarification was obviously needed. I would also like to add that I'm totally satisfied with e's answer on the questions, and wonder why it was so hard to answer in a good way from the start.

The problem is not with 2co, they protect the customers!

Yes and no, again. I do agree that they protect the $150, but that is where their responsibility ends according to them, and that's what I don't agree with. If something is sent, and the buyer pays for shipping (as Valdi himself has said), 2co will not cover this extra cost. So imagine if 4Kg of papers are sent (I'm not claiming that this will happen, but Medison has at least shown that they can ship nothing and claim the opposite) from China to USA via UPS, it won't be very cheap. Also, 2co will according to their buyer's agreement not cover any warranty issues and as we know that it can take 3+ months for Medison to answer an e-mail, warranty service might be a hard thing to get from them.
I also don't believe that 2co's responsibility ends at the customers in this case. Valdi is using 2co and their statements (" is the opinion of 2CO's CEO that Medison is a legitimate enterprise...") as an argument for their legitimacy towards other partners. This is an issue because Valdi has clearly shown that he is good at one thing at least, and that is to make money disappear (intentional or not), and could lure these partners into losing invested money.

2co has handled this whole thing as they should.

No. 2co has made several statements that they wrote to gain trust from the buyers that they haven't lived up to. Let's take a couple of examples:

They wrote “The order form *will* be corrected. Unfortunately, my point team on resolving many inquiries was collectively unavailable but you'll see the some presentment changes and clarification made soon” about one month before stopping new orders, but it was never fixed.

They wrote "We will require tracking information in this case." on the question if Medison was required to supply tracking numbers on all orders marked as shipped. When the shipping notices were sent out without tracking information their answer changed to “We do not need a tracking number to do verifications this is done by telephone". After this, they even reported to blogs and media that customers had received laptops, just because they received some false reports on that.

They wrote “We've been really supportive and responsive to many questions but, at the end of the process, customers who ordered and have not already canceled will receive one of two communications from 2CO: a). We're canceling your order, or; b). Your order is ready to be shipped -- please reauthorize this sale”. As we all know, the customers that had their orders marked as shipped and charged never received any request for re-authorization. Their reply to this afterwards was that no re-authorization was needed, since shipping was free to Sweden. Not only didn't their first statement mention anything about that it was in regards to shipping, Valdi has clearly stated several times that shipping isn't free, even to Sweden!

Let 2co belive what they want!

Sure, they can believe what they want. Everyone can believe what they want. But, expect the things written above, there is more. To be able to trust a company doing business as a reseller like 2co, it's important that they have good rules towards the suppliers. 2co do have good rules, but do they make sure that the suppliers, Medison in this case, follow them? Let's see:

"Supplier shall maintain sufficient inventory to fulfill purchases by 2CO for resale to Customers in a timely manner. Supplier shall not rely on the existence of a particular Transaction to obtain funds or credit to enable Supplier to obtain the Product necessary to complete the Transaction."
Does anyone think that over three months is "a timely manner", if anything even gets shipped?

"Supplier owns or otherwise has the full right and authority to use and disseminate (1) all information, data, graphics, text, video, music, or other intellectual property which forms a part of its web site, or which is used by Supplier in its advertising and promotional efforts, and (2) the Products it supplies to 2CO (or to potential Customers)."
Medison did not have the right to use Clevo's pictures, apple's privacy policy, Tele 2, Microsoft or Deltaco's ads and logos.

"Supplier is in compliance with all applicable national, federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, requirements and/or other standards established by any governmental authority having jurisdiction to control such activities, including, without limitation, the Federal Trade Commission, and State and local consumer protection agencies; Supplier is also in compliance with the regulations of applicable credit card associations regarding the sale of Products over the Internet or other transactions where the credit or debit card utilized for the purchase is not present, which are in effect prior to the effective date of this Agreement, or which become effective during the term of this Agreement."
Medison does not comply with laws in Sweden and UK, from where they operate.

"Supplier shall at all times respond promptly to inquiries from 2CO on behalf of Customers or from Customers directly, and shall endeavor to resolve disputes with said Customer."
There is e-mails sent almost three months ago from customers that hasn't been answered.

"Supplier is expected to maintain a ready inventory of the Products it offers for sale to 2CO, or promptly notify 2CO that an order will not be fulfilled in a timely manner."
See above answers.

"Notifying 2CO that a Product has been shipped to a Customer prior to shipment having occurred."
This has already been covered by 2co.

You need to be more neutral!

Neutral about what? If there would have been any positive in this story, I would have written about it. But there hasn't been one single positive thing to report since all this started three months ago.

Your grammar sucks / You don't have the right to... / You're not a journalist / Keep to only posting news / and so on.

I'm not a journalist. I'm not a news agency. I don't pretend to be an authority of any kind.
I'm a blogger that writes about what I feel important, and as long as I don't spread any misinformation I don't see any problem. Don't like it? Don't read it!


Anonymous said...

Tommy, keep up the amazing work in continuing to track this situation. I have to ask as question (this is my first post, but I have been following this since the beginning.). Is there no 'internet fraud prevention' or 'consumer protection' unit in your government or Police in Sweden? It seems they should be the ones asking the questions and doing the 'detective work' and not you and the potential "customers". Here in Canada they would likely have shut down the Medison Celebrity product website by now, if the 'company' could not prove that they are a legitimate business with a business plan and with a real product to deliver. Or is the opinion of everyone still that 'no crime has been committed'. That's like saying someone is pointing a gun at me but has done nothing wrong as they have not pulled the trigger yet.

Anonymous said...

Cheers tommy,

your doing a good job, dont listen to the naysayers who dont even have the ball's to post a name and remain Anonymous.

Your doing a good job, and I think you have done a find job in staying neutral where you could, just presenting the facts.

But the fact is there is nothing positive about this situation, therefore making it very hard to stay neutral.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tommy, you are doing a great job!!!

Please delete the post from the pervert who share my name.


Anonymous said...

"Please delete the post from the pervert who share my name."

If he did, it's be quite puzzling reading just this tidbit without the supporting comment, right.

Tommy, Einstein was damn right, for good or bad, all sh*t's relative.

In fact 2CO are right on their own way, and you're right on your own way.

The ultimate net worth of what you've done so far is strongly positive, and that's what matters.


Anonymous said...

The 'company' has already proven that they are a "legitimate business with a business plan and with a real product to deliver"
(because the goods have already cleared customs...)

So no crime exists...

Anonymous said...

Either 2CO's management or perhaps individual 2CO staff members have crossed the line of good business ethics by hanging on a very slim hope of Medison turning out as real business while participating in this scam.

They deserve to burn their butt on this and thanks Tommy for getting the facts out.

A scam is a scam.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tommy

I've been following this whole Medison Circus from the start, and your blog has been a good source of information, so thanks for that.
I do agree with the people who say that your not neutral, but like you said, it's a blog. It's personal, filled with your feelings and thoughts and unless your name is 3-CPO, those aren't neutral.

My thoughts on 2CO is that they probably wasn't aware on how much attention the whole Medison thing until it was to late. After that they probably franticly tried to get a hold on Valdi but probably couldn't.
The other thnig is that they have certain responsebilities against their suppliers. There are probably a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo like non-disclosure agreements and so on, so their hands are tied. Remember 2CO is based in the US, birthplace of ridiculous lawsuits, and my guess is that 2CO will play this by the book and not take any chances.

And my guess is 2CO will change some business practices in the hinsight of this case.

Anonymous said...

one step forward, two steps back...
This seems to be the way 2co's bloggers answer serious questions.
K states in the most recent medison thread (I read by recent updates on threads) that Medison is in fact SUSPENDED! yay - however that information WAS in fact classified not that long ago.

Now, Cliff is stating (about FCC numbers) that "We can not comment on a product that we do not sell"!!!

WTF?! How can they claim to be a reseller (their own words repeated many times over in various blog posts on THEIR site?!

They sound like they have never had a meeting to get their collective story straight, which is too bad because they really need to.

Anonymous said...

I would have agreed with the previous comment about 2CO being stuck in a legal binding agreement with 2CO if it's not because I just went to the supplier agreement to read it:

If you read section 10.B it describes termination of agreement by 2CO.

Certainly they have the right to terminate an agreement for no reason!

And with Medison they had ALL reasons to terminate the agreement, except of course the extremely slim chance of those Celebrities being actual laptops.

For example, section 5.E about Authority to Conduct Business states that supplier has to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals.

As I've repeatedly said beyond what someone seems to like (I guess it's Valdi), those approvals represent a solid evidence of having a serious product in the production pipeline.

And those approvals are of course non-confidential, so no excuse here.

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you this: You're starting to become really annoying.

I'm one of the people who have expressed their opinion on this blog that (1) 2CO has done nothing wrong, and (2) you're too biased.

Now to correct one of your misinformations: I have read this blog and followed the whole Medison affair from the very start. And I still think that (1) 2CO has done nothing wrong. But my second point has changed into (2) you're definitely a vigilante (as someone else suggested on this blog earlier).

2CO are responsive to customers. If somebody asks them about an order, they will tell him the truth, namely that they don't know whether and when it will arrive, and that the customer may cancel the order at any time. 2CO has answered questions right from the start, and they made their position very clear: They do not cancel the account of one of their vendors based on nothing but the suspicion that he might not deliver and they do not provide assumptions and rumors as "information" to their customers.

I agree that 2CO could have asked Medison for a definite deadline, but there is no legal or moral obligation to do so. In fact, the delay so far is far shorter than the delay of product introduction of much larger companies.

You, TT, on the other hand, have picked not only on Medison from the start, but also ridiculed the founder of this company and "researched" as many and only negative facts about his past as you could find. You have allowed personal information, jokes, addresses and phone numbers of Valdi to occur on this blog and done your best to shed his company in bad light. The bad publicity you have created intentionally and just on the basis that a product wasn't delivered in time would have created problems to any company, even a rather big and well-established one.

Your "argument" that some poor people out there might have placed an order at Medison and forgot about it is fairly idiotic. Well, if there are such people, then they will have to wait a bit longer for their refund than people that cancel their order now. That's their problem, not yours. They should definitely talk to 2CO instead of reading this blog.

I'm writing this, because I have a strong sense of justice and your blog constantly violates this sense of justice. You're not only the most biased blog writer I've ever met, you and a vast number of comentators on this blog are also extremely unfair. And what is especially annoying is you're self-proclaimed status as a protector of consumer rights, which in this particular case nobody needs, since 2CO did their job well right from the start. 2CO did not violate any business ethics whatsoever. I suppose the only people who think 2CO has done something wrong must be readers of this blog that haven't been in personal contact with 2CO as one of their customer.

The amount of information you have provided boils down to this: Medison is likely not a serious company and probably won't be able to deliver the laptop. Well, thanks for helping the many poor people who have been able to figure this out with your help! All the rest is pseudo-news whose only purpose was to discredit Medison and, after that became boring, discredit 2CO.

By the way, would you please stop insinuating that your criticizers haven't read your posts or followed the whole story. Let me assure you, I have, and I am still criticizing your blog!

This blog reminds me of a sheriff that puts someone in prison without charge and without access to an attorney, because he looks suspect. When it later turns out that he is a criminal, you say: "See! I've been right!"

Just to make things clear, I have never had any reason to believe that Medison would deliver this laptop. However, I expect from a shoping and payment processing service like 2CO not to cancel any business relations based on rumors and FUD spread by people for whatever motives they might have.

In summary, reading this blog was fun and entertaining for a while, but it has left a bad taste in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

WOW you are sad AND pathetic!
That's ME... Comtec saying that!

TT has been rather fair about this.
OK... name one ACTUAL FACT about vladi that does not make him look like the cartoon nutter he is?

And 2co does have a MORAL obligation. Every company has MORAL obligations - many don't act upon this obligation - and the negative publicity is their punishment.

But it is very clear you haven't really read any of this blog, you just post what your masters tell you to. good doggy, have a biscuit.

I think your bitching is mostly about the bloggers. guess what.. COPE!

This is a blog, nothing more. People post their 2 cents. This is a serious issue that you don't really seem to understand. So I'll stop wasting my minute on you now. :)

Anonymous said...

"Let me tell you this: You're starting to become really annoying.

I'm one of the people who have expressed their opinion on this blog that (1) 2CO has done nothing wrong, and (2) you're too biased."

If you think TT is to annoying, please stop reading!!!

When a person/company (Valdi) is out lying ... and that is proven, you have the right to be very sceptical. When a company 2CO despite proof that Valdi has not delivered, continues to do business with him ... they are not a serious company!

I agree that the ground rule is: innocent untill proven guilty! In Medison's case, they (Valdi) has been proven guilty many times ... if you don't belive me just look at in history of medison. Medison was not founded 1996, Valdi has not designed any furniture for IKEA, Valdi has not started an Appel store.

Everyone with a grain of intelligence can verify that Valdi has being untruthfull MANY times.

If it would only have been a delay of some computers, it would have been no problem, but this Valdi story is so full of holes that even a blind person can see them.

If a company (2CO) wants to be creadible they need to have some judgement on how far they will go to protect a vendor. EVERYBODY that has done any research on the company Medison and/or Valdi can be 100% sure that he is a person with delusions. He has not set up a factory in Brazil ... because factories cost money, and Valdi and his crew has a total of $70 000 (according to his own statement).

If 2CO is semi-clever they should cut their losses ... wish Valdi good luck ... write a long appology letter and fire some people ...

Anonymous said...

Great words comtec and marketer. I agree. We are talking business ethics.

We can't have online companies selling things that have <1% of being real and playing such game for months just hoping to strike gold while hiding behind legal terms and conditions that leave them out of the equation when push comes to shove.

Obviously it would have been great for 2CO if they did indeed "win the vendor" of the world's cheapest laptop.

But it's unethical and unfair to their customers they played this game - especially when customers are not made aware of it. When I buy something it's because I need it and trust that I will get it.

Anonymous said...

Well we can hope and dream :)
Unlikely any of that will happen. 2co will be arrogant assholes till the end and there is really nothing we can do. (Sorry living in Holland has given me a defeatist attitude towards these things)

But that's what blogs are for, venting steam and not blowing up, going crazy, and killing people :)

hurray for the Internets, that great series of steam tubes!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Let me tell you this: You're starting to become really annoying.

I you want to criticize Tommy, you should be smarter than this.
In this way you only look like Medison/2CO staff or make yourself stupid.


Anonymous said...

I have read this blogg just about from the startsince i wase thinking of ordering one of these bogus laptops my self. Since i dont have much money to afford a dell/compaq/ausus/shitsu/blabla laptop my self, this wase a golden opportunity wow a cheap laptop. But i wase a little suspicious after looking on the net what a the lowest spec laptop would actually cost in sweden, well it turns out that in sweden a low spec pc dont come under
4,350.00 SEK = 662.739 USD
If you do its eighter used or stolen, quite frankly im not keen of buying a used one or a stolen one for that matter.
and for valdic
/vladic/morronic or what ever his name is, you put upp hell of an preformance i would actually pay to see the movie "celebrety the 150$ laptop that never came"

Tommy keep upp the exelent work, most of us love you for your hard work and effort that u have put into this blogg.

Oh and i personaly think that "the land ofthe free and the quick buck" are fucking morrons

Anonymous said...

Great job Tommy T!!!

I vår lille värld är det inte god ton att peka ut lögnare och bedrägare. Vårt usla näringsliv och våra politiker är mycket beroende av lögn och mygel. Därför blir månge personer mycket oroliga när du avslöjar Medison och 2Co.
Svenskar har sin tro på et samhälle med "ordning och reda", och blir oroliga av att höra om "oordning och oreda", och attackerar dig istället för Medison och 2CO.
Hvis alla bedrägerier blev avslöjade så ville vår ekonomi gå åt skogen. (Ursäkta min svenska.)

Tommy TruthSeeker said...

"In summary, reading this blog was fun and entertaining for a while, but it has left a bad taste in my mouth."
You're welcome ;)

Everyone is entitled to their opinon, both you and me. I don't feel that I can "answer" tou your post because I don't understand or see most of the problems you mention.

Anonymous said...

If you think TT is to annoying, please stop reading!!!

I read what I want to read, and you're not going to stop me from doing it and expressing my opinion. Why shouldn't I read this? I actually read many annoying things, partly even for a living.

Some of you guys (a minority) need a reality check, so many things have been written about Valdi and Medison on this blog that in many European countries (varies from country to country, of course), there would have been absolutely no problem to successfully file charge against TT and and get this blog closed down and get recompensation. In many countries, the maintainer of a blog is legally responsible for its contents, including the commentaries.

Don't get me wrong, I personally think anybody should just say anything he likes on the Net, even if it's really unfair. However, you should be aware that not everybody thinks like me and claiming in public that somebody is mentally ill or a "cartoon nut" and using that person's real name can actually get you into troubles even if that person is indeed mentally ill or a "cartoon nut". Anyway, this blog has nothing to do whatsoever with journalism or customer information.

By the way, you're the pathetic whiners, not me. Oh uh, Medison is so bad, please mummy help me, 2CO is evil, too. Oh my good, the poor customers! What if I don't find the cancel order button, oh my god!

It's really quite entertaining. :P

Anonymous said...

Wow.. you managed to embarrass yourself.. GRATZ!

and yes this is not journalism, you are finally getting it. it's a blog!

Anonymous said...

Lies in the comments I spotted so far:

Claim: Tommy is a vigilante who wants to ruin Medison based on rumors.

Answer: Well the strongest pieces of Tommy are based on direct quoting of Valdi/2CO's own words and comparing them to their own words from before. Conflicting statements, confirmed lies and hence forth. Point to one unconfirmed rumor Tommy posted as a fact or shut up.

Claim: Tommy could be sued for his blog, and the commentaries in it.

Answer: Laughable. If Tommy was responsible for 3rd party commentaries, then Blogger is responsible for what Tommy says. Google should be responsible for what Blogger says, and hence, they should maybe close Google, because of the commentaries on Tommy's blog. Also if you think Tommy said something that constitutes libel, name it SPECIFICALLY. Remember: if it's a fact, it's not libel. Personal opinion can't be libel as well. Libel can be only a claim stating a fact, which is a lie, and harms someone.

Anonymous said...

To detail my explanation of libel/defaming versus personal opinion, I could state the following about Bush, and he can't sue me even if he knew my name, and that I posted this:

- George W. Bush is an idiot (this is a personal opinion, I'm allowed that)

- George W. Bush justified the war on Iraq by claiming Saddam develops nuclear weapons, but no nuclear weapons were found. (fact, I'm allowed to say that)

- So Bush attacked Iraq without any justifiable reasons in hindsight (critical analysis based on facts, allowed to say that)

- George W. Bush said he wants another 9/11 to bring stronger support for his party (Now Bush could sue my ass for that, since it's a lie and it defames him, it's a libel).

Furthermore, in some countries as well, as previous posters like to speculate, blogging IS a type of journalism, and protected by the same rights as a journalistic work.

So in this case Tommy could even entertain some speculation that would otherwise constitute libel, and get away with it. But that said, Tommy doesn't need this so far.

Anonymous said...

And one last thing: to all those who try to put Tommy in purely negative light and claiming all he posts are rumors and he could be sued for this:

I hope you realize the irony of your claims, by doing exactly what you criticize he supposedly does.

Enough said...

Anonymous said...

"Some of you guys (a minority) need a reality check, [...] In many countries, the maintainer of a blog is legally responsible for its contents, including the commentaries."

You'll have to start applying your advice to yourself.

Anonymous said...

I think if someone came here on this blog and claimed he's me, I'd sue back though. That constitutes impersonation, defamation and libel*.

Ops, pooped my pants.

So far all I said is coming from me, Valdi Ivancic, president and CEO of Medison.

I pooped my pants again.

* Unless it's a parody, of course, kekekeke.

Anonymous said...

I think that Valdi is writing in this blog ... and hi is not signing with his name ...

ohhuuu we get so scared if someone will sue us for pointing out that someone is a proven lier ...

Tommy, you just wait until he becomes the prime minister of sweden ... then he will put you in prisson ... and if he only becomes the tourist manager in Karlskrona, you will NEVER get a free pass to the harbour there ... ha ha

Anonymous said...

I'm still wondering on which part of iMac he created, since apparently Tommy questions this for no reason.

He indeed designed the iMac colors! Who dares doubt that. Losers!

PS: I designed the IKEA Pumpkinsofa by the way.

Anonymous said...

Valdi does not post here under different name.

I repeat, Valdi does not post here under different name.

Tommy ruined Valdi's business and Tommy has no life. Tommy is annoying. I don't like Tommy. Tommy is a bad blogger who says bad things about me that I said about myself.

PS: Medison rulez!

Anonymous said...

"I feel that I get many comments about the blog entry from people that just have read the last few posts and argues about that 2co has already answered everything, that they have handled everything perfect, that I'm spreading misinformation and so on. So it's time for some explanations again."

Tommy, I think we need a very very very tight recap hosted on a separate link, which you can point to, when someone loses track of the whole picture (as you mention) and starts to skew your blog as predominantly posting rumors.

The recap should contain not necessarily the entire story, but the strongest points that can't be argued, that convey a small version of the big picture.

The blog has a huge number of articles by now, but I'll check to see if I manage to make this recap myself and post it.

Then when someone starts complaining again that we have no facts, you can just use the recap.

Anonymous said...

Why do you fight people... ?

My opinion is, no need to fight, or argue if Tommy's blog is annoying or interesting...

I think if someone still has his order not canceled, he's comfortable with waiting indefinite time and paying indefinite amount of money for shipping.

It's the only logical way to interpret the fact there are thousands of orders not canceled as of yet...

If so, let them be, I think this blog has made the picture clear enough for those willing to see it...

And as such, annoying or interesting, it served its purpose...

Over and out...

Anonymous said...

"he is good at one thing at least, and that is to make money disappear (intentional or not)"

Tommy, can you clarify what you mean by "make money disappear".

That would suggest he had money that were spent on something. In his past I see just failures to make money appear, not a skill to make money disappear.

Anonymous said...

I got something deep for you people.

Ever felt, like, as if, like, the world is not the real world, but, like, it's something else, dude.

And you look around and think, like, wooow it's the real world! But you're sooo cheating on yourself, as it's not.

You know what I mean? It's a fake world, dude!

And the Internet is kinda like that fake world too, and, people go there, and see cheap laptops, get it? Know what I'm saying?

And they order since they don't know about electronics, but, then, the real world, there's no cheap laptop, and they get nothing.

But imagine, just imagine, if you could somehow bridge the one world and the other world, maaaan that would be some serious shit right there.

I dream about aliens a lot. Imagine if I could materialize aliens in this world, from the other world as I dream. That would be awesome, you guys! Jesus.

I'm totally shocking my mind with the possibilities right now.. I'll write more later if someone cares... Does anyone?

Anyone... ?

Anonymous said...

hell o I dopmn't usually post comments since I'm dyslexix and hvae poor eye sighs and motor conrtol

I orderer 3 Celebrete laptops for my famoly 's christmas presentts, but mpe I son't know if hey will ever arrive

I am vvert confused and fon't know whetger to cancel or continuw

this blof is bvery hhjelpgul in helpme me make th e right decision, but I still have dbout; since 2checosut and mwdisonn semd ,oxaed ,eshaes tro theirr cusomtersd about wehther this product exists at lal.

I know my mone is fsaif, but ot this is what woriess me me. I need to konw if they wkll come chrstmas for mu fmaili or not.

2chesot and meewdison do not answr, this smayu be not illegal, i dona t know, but it suure is not mroal.

Anonymous said...

New Medison Staff ..

I wrote this mail:

Hi guys,

I am trying to place an order for two computers on your web site ... i don't
know if it is my computer or something wrong with the system, but it doesn't
seem to go through ... what can I do?

James Dillon

and I got this reply:

"Dear James,

Thank you for writing to us.

We are sorry, but just now you can't order any laptops because we are
busy completing the delivery of the ones we have already sold.
Once that has been done, we will resume taking new orders.
Please check our website later for more information.

Best Regards,

Medison /Christina

Seems like they are delivering ... ;-) ... I wounder why they don't post this information on their web-site ...

Anonymous said...

''I wounder why they don't post this information on their web-site ...''''''''

theyw might mnot have dedicated tsaff yto update their site . look aa at me, I have poor motrol contreol, bad eye gsihgt and am dyslexizx

can tou imagine me updating HRTML site.? hehwhewje

seriuosyly though, if theya have started delivarint, wyh noone ever reported reccueubg anbything?

I callk it susiciiiiouus.

Anonymous said...

I just got an interesting reply from the folk at Jönköping University. I emailed asking for confirmation of Medison's claim of involvement with projects at the University ("Edison e-magazine, Planeten, Pejlaren (also together with NIWL), Internet & Multimedia courses").

The answer I got was:
Dear sir,

We cannot confirm the relationship claimed by this company.

Berit Wall

Berit Wall
Högskolan i Jönköping
Box 1026, 551 11 Jönköping
tfn 036-10 10 71, 0709-52 77 09

I'm waiting on replies from the other educational institutions...

Anonymous said...

and yes this is not journalism, you are finally getting it. it's a blog!

This exemplifies the general state of mind of the people that fight here against windmills, i.e. the "where is the cancel order button" fraction.

Tommy could be sued for his blog, and the commentaries in it.

Answer: Laughable.

Not at all.

If Tommy was responsible for 3rd party commentaries, then Blogger is responsible for what Tommy says.

That is in fact the legal situation in some countries.

Google should be responsible for what Blogger says, and hence, they should maybe close Google, because of the commentaries on Tommy's blog.

AFAIK, that is not the legal situation in any country I know of. Just for your information, in case this wasn't some sort of irony. Hahaha.

Furthermore, in some countries as well, as previous posters like to speculate, blogging IS a type of journalism, and protected by the same rights as a journalistic work.

I think you have no clue about journalist's rights and duties, not to speak about virtues of good journalism. I didn't speculate, I was referring exactly to one of those countries. That's exactly my point. In some countries, this blog would count as journalism, and if TT wouldn't distance himself properly from some of the personal comments here, he could get into legal troubles. I think these laws are a big problems and many bloggers have actually been sued in such countries. Not nice.

By the way, for the people here that cannot read properly, let me add that I think that TT has initially done a great service to the community with this blog. But it's a pitty he hasn't distanced himself earlier and much more from some of the commentaries on this blog in which Valdi was ridiculed and attacked personally and that he was so biased himself from the start. He could have been more decent.

BTW, the following pattern occurred here on this blog (including the commentaries):

1. attack Medison as a company

2. attack Valdi personally (digging out stories about his past, claiming he's mentally ill, etc.)

3. attack 2CO's dealing with Medison

3. attack 2CO in general (digging out stories from the past and of disgruntled ex-employees)

4. attack people who criticize this blog

I wonder what comes next.

Anonymous said...

to the former poster ...

Do you really think that you are scaring anyone with your mumbo-jumbo ...

I am sure that you are someone hired by Valdi or 2CO ... maybe you get paid in labtops ...

If someone goes out and says that he will become the primeminister of sweden, he will sell lab-tops for $150 ... and allready accepted orders for 300.000 computers ... he is crazy in my opinion ... and that people make fun of a person like that is fine ... especially when this person "puts himself in harms way" by writing crazy pressreleases, and conducts even more crazy press conferences ...

I look at this blogg as pure entertainment ... it is addictive ... I can't wait to hear about Valdi's next stupid play ...

TT is doing a great job ...

Tommy TruthSeeker said...

@person talking of attacks:

Maybe I should start with deleting your comments, as they are attacks of me, the commenters and the blog. Maybe someone would sue me because that you make up things about stuff?

Seriously though, you should already know by reading the blog that 90% of the stuff just is collected from other sources and is public information. The rest is just comments from me, and you can find all of that from other people to at several other places, and at most places you find even more profound claims. If it really was an issue like you put it, pages like wouldn't survive for long.

Anonymous said...

Tommy, you are doing great and don't worry.

skeptic said:
Seems like they are delivering ... ;-) ... I wonder why they don't post this information on their web-site ...

Simple answer, he (Valdi) is NOT delivering. Statistically I would say you should assume any statement from Medison/Valdi to be false. If he wrote on his web site he was truck driver before, sure, that would be a fact.

This blog is needed because Medison is an extreme case of abusing the power of the Internet to reach people with one-way information you can't easily check.

Anonymous said...

Someone was looking for a summary. There is a summary over at

Anonymous said...

It is indeed very entertaining. :)

Regarding the intentions of Mr. Ivancic, he might be a similar case as Mr. Vido: who obviously was very entertaining too. :)


Anonymous said...

Damn, this guy is good (Bob Vido)..

I liked both his paintings and his comics.

I'm not sure where's the plane for comparison, except maybe they both have vivid imagination.

Anonymous said...

I didn't speculate, I was referring exactly to one of those countries.

I can't believe it's easier for yout to type all this BS and not speak specifically. "In US, posting this: '......' constitues libel and tommy can be sued about it".

How about being concrete for a change? Or it this a guessing game "I know of one country where you can be sued for something you said last 3 months. Guess what it is!"

So sad...

Anonymous said...

And remember, the extreme opposites of an opinion, are very much alike.

Think about this before you post your next unsubstantiated diatribe over here.

Anonymous said...

your sweet, dude.

Anonymous said...

"your sweet, dude"

his sweet... what O_O ?

Anonymous said...

If you have ordered the Medison Celebrity Laptop with the clear expectation of getting it, please complain to the Better Business Bureau of Columbus Ohio.

Open this link:

Enter the Company Name: 2checkout

Follow the steps.

This approach is important as BBB will monitor 2CO's actions to your complaint also from a business etchical standpoint and 2CO will possibly take such complaints more serious than if you go direct to 2CO.

Anonymous said...

I see all the suggestions to file a complaint with the BBB In Columbus OH, USA, since that is where 2CO is located. But also, why are Swedish "authorities" working in internet fraud or consumer protection organizations, not going after the real source of the problem (Medison) to at least shut down the Celebrity web site, if Medison can not prove the product at least exists?

Anonymous said...

I agree, I always thought Sweden was a country of much better consumer laws than what seems to be the case.

Aren't you guys paying tax like crazy?

Is Tommy the best Sweden can offer in terms of consumer protection? (if so I hope he get paid in some way)

I can understand something like this can happen in Nigeria or Russia, but Sweden???

Anonymous said...

yes, I pau ,mu taxes,
I should be proteecyeyd as a cstutremer.

tish is anarhcy

Anonymous said...

Besides the lack of consumer protection in Sweden I should further add this. If dyslexix is Swedish then the school system there is quite rotten in teaching English.

Or perhaps dyslexix is a Valdi incarnation?

Anonymous said...

to dys' defense, he said he's dyslexic in a previous post.. but still.. damn... you know that Firefox 2 has a built in word checker right? I know I would look like a dribbling, nonsensical idiot (more than I usually do:P) without it :)

As far as this being a Swedish problem, I think that's kind of a red harring. These things can happen anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Time to end the story?

Dear all,

I been following this story from the start and I must admit that in the beginning back in July, when I saw the first articles about Medison, I was not sure what to think.
Since then one major thing happened that made me, and other people understanding Swedish, being certain that Medison/Valdi is fake.

The press conference first of august!
That day the story could have ended if only someone from 2co could understand Swedish.

Why do this story continue?
Me and most other people don’t like when someone is trying to sell something that doesn’t exists, telling lies etc.
In the beginning I think we (Tommy, me and others) were irritated that that Swedish journalists wrote non critical articles that just helped Valdi to make this whole thing bigger.
When journalist staff changed attitude there were only one thing left that put legitimism to Valdi/Medison, that was 2co!
Swedish companies, so called partners by Valdi. Infocare etc. backed out as soon they heard the press conference.

2co staff! you can end the story now! I assure you that Medisons name will disappear from your forums and you do not need to close any threads.
Please, do what you should have done long time ago, take your hand away from Valdi/Medison and simply declare that you been fooled.
It is no shame.
Thx Tommy,

P.s. Next chapter will be the story about how to get the Medison bunch behind bars.

Best regards

Anonymous said...

Yes Pete, I totally agree.

Without 2CO this story would have finished much earlier and I hope 2CO's management is intelligent enough to see reality now. They gain nothing more than a bad reputation by continuing being this unclear about their position to a business that was unrealistic to begin with.

My recommendation is this:

1. A clear statement that 2CO have stopped all cooperation with Valdi.
2. A statement that they regret not having realized that the Medison Celebrity didn't exist much earlier.
3. An explanation of why they came to this conclusion - e.g. no regulatory approval certificates available.
4. An appology to their customers who have been waiting for so long with a false hope; to in the end receive nothing.

1. Add somewhere visible on the Medison web sites a clarification that the idea of the US$150 laptop turned out not to be economically feasible.
2. An appology to Medison's customers who have been waiting for so long to in the end receive nothing.

Valdi it's time to move on to find a real job. Follow your own slogan "The road to success is through hard work and by going step-by-step". What that slogan means is that becoming prime minister of Sweden or the CEO of the leading low cost laptop company in both cases take a lot more steps and hard work than you might think!

Anonymous said...

I am srory, I jave bad motorot ctronol, bad eie sihgt and am dyslexix.

I see the wrods arr unrelinwed, but dnot sdd know how ti ffx it.

Anonymous said...


Very good put!

Today 2CO is the only thing that is holding Medison/Valdi up ... I am also sure that if they could understand swedish and have listened to Valdis pressconference they would NOT want to be associated with him.

I am sure that 2CO would not do business with Bagdad Bob if he called and wanted to start selling something.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me?!

Comparing me with Medison is insulting for me and my partners. I demand apology.

PS: Buy Bagdad Nukes (tm) on 2CO, next month, special offer: each nuke refill just $299 per head. Don't miss it, you know what Bagdad Bob says: getting nuked is a chance you get once in a lifetime! Call now 1-800-Bagdad-Bob and ask for "Bagdad Nukes".

Anonymous said...

I saw Tommy linked to my reply on 2CO, and I wanted to clarify why my name is "e".

I was not born "e", but "elmar", a totally healthy name, free of mutations, spelling problems and easy to pronounce.

But my "lmar" was amputated in a car accident which happened 3 years ago.

Doctor said they did all they could, but the "lmar" was badly infected and they had to let it go.

They said I'm lucky to have even kept my "e". When I was driven to the hospital, my "e" was so badly hurt it looked more like "c".

Over 24 hours in emergency surgery and multiple corrective lexical procedural allowed me to retain my "e" as you see it today.

I'm happy for what I have, and thanks for 2CO for providing me with job despite my handicap.

Anonymous said...

hlelel, e.

I jave bad motorot ctronol, bad eie sihgt and am dyslexix.

Btu yuo see, I wnated to give you a tpa on the shlouder and tlel you, vne yuor name has its bneffets.

I canm typp it porlperly!

Anonymous said...

I laughed when I read this post about the missinformed, ignorant and confused 'anonymous poster', from further up, which I can not address directly because of the generic nickname.

-----### anonymous poster:
I agree that 2CO could have asked Medison for a definite deadline, but there is no legal or moral obligation to do so. In fact, the delay so far is far shorter than the delay of product introduction of much larger companies.
# Is your name by any chance Valdi? Because you definetly have the same dillusions as him and you compare this fraud operation by Medison to 'some big companies''s action.

-----### anonymous poster:
You, TT, on the other hand, have picked not only on Medison from the start, but also ridiculed the founder of this company and "researched" as many and only negative facts about his past as you could find. You have allowed personal information, jokes, addresses and phone numbers of Valdi to occur on this blog and done your best to shed his company in bad light.
# Again, this is a clear indication that you have no clue, valdi has LIED IN MEDIA, PRESENTED NO PROOF WHAT SO EVER that the product with the Medison logo EVEN EXISTS, HE IS COMMITING FRAUD BY SELLING A PRODUCT THAT DOES NOT EXIST! Do you get it now? Further investigation by the curious ppl has unearthed facts that further backed up everyones suspicions about this product, TT has done nothing wrong in presenting these evidence and his thoughts ON HIS BLOG, if you don't like it, then go get your own blog and write about it, lol.

------### anonymous poster:
The bad publicity you have created intentionally and just on the basis that a product wasn't delivered in time would have created problems to any company, even a rather big and well-established one.
# Valdi Ivancic smelled rotten eggs right from the start, he has casted all of this upon himself. Again, stop comparing this fraud operation to 'some big companies' action...

And it goes on and on, but I am not going to sit here and quote you all day.


Anonymous said...

To Bagdad Bob,

I know a perfect business called Medison who can help you finance your business to buy even more nukes ... I found this on their website:

" Capital and Fund Raising
Many orgsanizations and companies have got several millions together through us. See who they are."

I know they have miss spelled some, but the CEO Valdi seems like an honest guy wanting to help in a democratic way ...

I have also heard from swedish journalists that where present at Medison's press conference that they are considering to give Valdi some sort of award ... even the Nobel Prize for being such a good entrepreneur ...

Anonymous said...

Um... Saddam is dead... I have his head right here :)

*saddam's disembodied head* Hi I'm sadly insane, I'm dead!*head is dropped on the floor and kicked like a football*

See.. dead ad it gets. Now if you have said z ar ka wi or OBL, I would have given you 7 points (10-3 for tastelessness)

Anonymous said...

I am not dead ... and my head is on ... I am acutally thinking of starting a religion with Valdi as the strong leader ...

Valdi and I are much alike ... we are both smart, and people listen to our words ... and we are veeery smart ... and people out there are very stupid .... ha ha

My friend Bagdad Bob also likes Valdi ... they are both very honest people ...

Going step-by-step will be the key to our success ... and if I may add, from California to Bagdad ... Since we are veeeery international ...

Anonymous said...

To all you people that thinks I am a Scam ... now we are delivering.

I have also set up a new payment providor. We at Medison have gotten many mail messages that 2CO has not had enough up-time, therefore we have decided to end our co-operation with them.

To be able to deliver computer to this price we will have to lower our costs for the payment administration. We have therefore decided that it is far more simple if you mail the cash to our office. The adress is:

Medison Europe Limited
27 Ruffets Wood
Gravesend, Kent
DA12 5JQ England

As soon as we get your cash payment we will send you your computer. We will infact even pay all the shipping and handling ourselfs.

We are working hard on setting up more mailboxes so that all your money will fit in our mailroom, therefore there might be a small delay untill we can send out your computer.


Valdi Ivancic
CEO & President
Medison Europe Limited

Anonymous said...

You know, this is not funny, do you expect someone to believe "Saddam's head" came to speak on MedisonScam's blog?

Jesus Bagdad Christ.

If you'll make jokes, make them plausible or get nuked (tm).

At least we all know selling nukes through 2CO is quite plausible!

Anonymous said...

I think his point was he was using it like a dummy's head. you know, moving the jaw with his hands like you would with a cow skull? :)

Anonymous said...

Also please mail us donations. We're collecting donations.

Our goal is to reach a fund of $100 000.

We'll invest this money in figuring out how to remove that broken "Buy" button from that page on our site.

Anonymous said...

We have an exciting announcement to make. As you know a documentary team documented everything we did in Medison for the past 3 months.

The movie was released this month, and is called Eastern Promises

I told the director like a thousand times, "But Sweden is NOT in Eastern Europe", but he didn't listen to me, you see, he thinks everything outside USA is Eastern Europe, and we all speak with Russian accent and drive Moskwich or Trabant.

Oh well... I guess that doesn't matter, what matters is the story is mostly the same, the producer interjected digitally some story about the mob, and Naomi Watts and I don't know.

But it's mostly about Medison :(

Well, you know Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

I think this blog is starting to look like a place where some shrink specialized in various new types of personality disorders should start advertising his business here. It looks like not only Valdi could be his client at least.

Anonymous said...

Do anyone have an idea who "somebody" at the 2co forum is?
Time of posts doesn’t seems to match for 2co staff.
Could it be Valdi himself?

Seems like a nice guy doe, polite, clever no ass licking at all.


Anonymous said...

It's a sign of the times, peter.

I remember when I was born 3 months ago, it was full of news about Medison and 2CO.

As I got older, Medison stopped communicating and 2CO is just plain bitch about being short and clear to either their vendors or clients.

So when the people themselves don't speak, the the listeners move in and become the speakers.

So have the blog spoketh. Peace.

Anonymous said...

All right, who's having split personalities.

Damn it I hate split personalities. It's like trying to make a very big soap bubble.

You try and you try, carefully, various techniques, approaches, but it keeps splitting in many small bubbles.

And if you push it too hard, it just bursts.

But anyway, not to get distracted, report to me if you have problems, ok..? Let's keep the blog clean, like a biiiiig soap bubble.

Anonymous said...

sup /b/ hat gesagt...
I laughed when I read this post about the missinformed, ignorant and confused 'anonymous poster', from further up, which I can not address directly because of the generic nickname.

And I laugh about you. :-)

I agree that 2CO could have asked Medison for a definite deadline, but there is no legal or moral obligation to do so. In fact, the delay so far is far shorter than the delay of product introduction of much larger companies.
# Is your name by any chance Valdi?


Because you definetly have the same dillusions as him and you compare this fraud operation by Medison to 'some big companies''s action.


Again, this is a clear indication that you have no clue,

No, you're the clueless person, I'm afraid.


There might be something wrong with your capslocks key. It would be fraud if he did grab the money and run away. It is not fraud to try to sell a product, not take any money for it, and not deliver it.

Besides, we know all that for a very long time now. What's your point? You say this in reply to my claim that Tommy behaved like a vigilante and didn't care about rude and insulting personal comments of other posters here on his blog, while he should have distanced himself from them and should have taken more care. After all, there are real persons behind this whole story.

Further investigation by the curious ppl has unearthed facts that further backed up everyones suspicions about this product,

Sure. Nobody was denying this. At least not me.

TT has done nothing wrong in presenting these evidence and his thoughts ON HIS BLOG, if you don't like it, then go get your own blog and write about it, lol.

No, guess what: I don't like it and write here that I don't like it. I can do that. Unbelievable, but I can. I have the spare time for this BS.

TT has been unfair, 100% biased, and has encouraged others indirectly to handle this affair at the level of personal insults, jokes, diffamation, draging out ones past, posting personal phone numbers and addresses, grossly insulting others, and publishing stories from disgruntled ex-employees. You might not comprehend this, but my critique is completely independent from the question whether the Medison celebrity has ever existed or not. I'm more about the pathetic whiners that don't seem to have been able to find the "cancel order" button.

The bad publicity you have created intentionally and just on the basis that a product wasn't delivered in time would have created problems to any company, even a rather big and well-established one.
# Valdi Ivancic smelled rotten eggs right from the start, he has casted all of this upon himself.

Sure. Many professional vaporware of big companies have had the same smell in the past. The difference is just, if anybody would have written a blog like this about them, he'd have been sawmped in cease&desist letters.

Again, stop comparing this fraud operation to 'some big companies' action...

No I don't stop. So far, Valdi's 'crime' is just about the same as, say, Palm's crime of hyping the Foleo for many months, showing a prototype, and then not delivering it.

You were all basing your critique of Medison on rumors and assumptions, since in fact much longer delays after announcement of a product and also after ordering starts are quite common in the industry.

Again, you might not comprehend it, but this point is completely independent of the question whether the Medison celebrity exists or not. It's a matter of fairness. For example , you could have, just like other reasonable people, waited and see what happened or simply have cancelled your order. Instead, you've organized a modern witch-hunt.

I didn't speculate, I was referring exactly to one of those countries.

I can't believe it's easier for yout to type all this BS and not speak specifically.

Thanks for your kindness. To satisfy your curiosity, I had Germany in mind, where unfortunately bloggers have been sued a number of times quite successfully.

Anonymous said...

had Germany in mind, where unfortunately bloggers have been sued a number of times quite successfully.

In Germany it's also illegal to port scan your own server. What a great example.

Why should a business where the only parties are in Sweden/UK/US care about Germany's laws?

Should we also care about North Korea's laws and China's laws?

Any other profound ideas you may have smartass?

Anonymous said...

In US it's illegal to have long beard and know Arabic. I know since they keep pulling me aside every time I go to US to visit happy nuke customers.

So the big question here is... does Tommy have a beard??

I demand a photo!!

Anonymous said...

Now I have send my cash to Medison Europe Limited.

A company with such a fancy name can't be faked ... I was a little bit affraid to start out with, but seeing that the process would be step-by-step and not everything at once, made me feel secure.

I will laugh at all of you when i get my Medison Celebrity ...

Anonymous said...

BTW, to the guy who talks about Germany's laws.

If you live in Germany, you just broke a law that mandates outrageously long posts are a threat for national security.

I've alerted BND to this blog and they'll soon be taking you away. Hahaha, revenge is sweeet.

Anonymous said...

"I will laugh at all of you when i get my Medison Celebrity ..."

I've computed when this will be:

182 209 938 years.

No problem though, just record your laughter and I'll setup someone to push "PLAY" in 182 209 938 years for you.

Anonymous said...

I just noticed this reply on the 2CO web site from Cliff at 2CO:

We take our responsibility to our suppliers and our customers very seriously. If you are a supplier or a customer with a question, please contact us directly. We are happy to help. If you are not, you are not privy to a lot of information, including the FCC approval number (to verify the approval or identify the manufacturer) of a product not currently available for sale. 2CO adheres to all applicable laws, so if FCC approval is required for a product we sell, you can be assured that it has been obtained.

OF course the FCC ID is not confidential to anybody when a product is available for sale. So the fact 2CO stopped selling means now they can escape the question...that's just so lame.

May I laugh again? Did you guys at 2CO react to my point about FCC ID and FINALLY realized you can't get that number from Mr. Valdi? Is that what woke you guys up finally?

You guys at 2CO: In the future the easy way to avoid vendor scams like this is to simply ask for their regulatory approval information and set a deadline of 5 business days if you seriously doubt the vendor is real. There is just no excuse guys.

Anonymous said...

So the fact 2CO stopped selling means now they can escape the question...that's just so lame.

He's technically right, Peter. If you don't sell it, you don't need FCC approval.

The consequences for this are cunning though.

He could start selling his laptops without approval, and every single time they ask Valdi about the approval, he can temporarily stop selling, and resume selling as soon as they get tired and decide to go sleep instead.

He has thought of everything, the bastard.

Anonymous said...

I have also send my cash to Medison ... I send $300 because I want two computers.

I was also a little bit scared that this might be too good to be true. But, when I realized that Medison's strength is their global network and global experience. Therefore their market is global I felt that this is no problem at all ...

I am looking forward to get my computer. Thanks Valdi for the opportunity to purchase from you. I already feel more Democratic!!!

Anonymous said...

Ewwww, this thread is so big and gross and smells bad.

Like a dozen of guys who sit at their PC 24/7 and never take the time to take a shower or somethin' :((

Anonymous said...

Funny coincidence, as I am sitting in front of the computer 24/7 and do never take time to shower or something.

Anonymous said...

Well I wanted to see how desperate are we here.

The thread was going with furios remark until my shower remark.

Nothing for few hours. Then your message. You're officially the most disparate one (besides me).

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or my strategy to destroy this blog but just shutting up is working wonders so far?

Look at all of you. I'm proud to be me looking at the comments in this blog.

Hope that tells you a lot.

Anonymous said...

-----anonymous said:
There might be something wrong with your capslocks key. It would be fraud if he did grab the money and run away. It is not fraud to try to sell a product, not take any money for it, and not deliver it.
# But how far does it have to go for it to be clearly fraud. Bringing up all the pointer to it being a fraud is just redundant. 2-CO, since they are handling the money, should issue refunds and not support Medisons (Valdi Ivancic)'s business in the hopes for making their deal of the century with them, it just won't happen, everyone knows it and now 2CO is partly responsible for this scam because of their support for Medison. They _should_ get bad publicity after all of this.

In/b\4 Caps is cruize control for cool

-----anonymous said:
TT has been unfair, 100% biased, and has encouraged others indirectly to handle this affair at the level of personal insults, jokes, diffamation, draging out ones past, posting personal phone numbers and addresses, grossly insulting others, and publishing stories from disgruntled ex-employees. You might not comprehend this, but my critique is completely independent from the question whether the Medison celebrity has ever existed or not. I'm more about the pathetic whiners that don't seem to have been able to find the "cancel order" button.
# After we figured out that this was a scam, some month ago or more, from that point on any information about Medison (and the people behind it) will prove useful to other partys in Medisons future business relationships (if any) so that they know who they are dealing with.

What gets said on the Internet, stays on the Internet, therefor all information shall be made public in the event of a scam, as it was in this case.

Though I do not support all of the conversations with 2CO when asking them 100 questions and demanding awnsers in such a non-diplomatic way.

-----anonymous said:
Sure. Many professional vaporware of big companies have had the same smell in the past. The difference is just, if anybody would have written a blog like this about them, he'd have been sawmped in cease&desist letters.
# I doubt that Valdi Ivancic and the others from Medison would get far in court with some stolen Chez (or however it's spelled) laptop with scraped off serial numbers.

-----anonymous said:
You were all basing your critique of Medison on rumors and assumptions, since in fact much longer delays after announcement of a product and also after ordering starts are quite common in the industry.
# This on, the other hand, was unrealistic from the start, if Valdi I. went to such big companies as IBM, HP, Dell etc. who DO have the funds for making the [immaginary] $150 Clevo laptop a reality, they would have kicked him out of there for being unrealistic, yet here we have Mr. Valdi, who publicly stated that he just got tired of living of his wifes income, trying to sell tens of thousands of laptops from out of thin air, the delays in delivery, or problems with the supply chain or whatever, is just him BS'ting 2-CO.

-----anonmous said:
Again, you might not comprehend it, but this point is completely independent of the question whether the Medison celebrity exists or not. It's a matter of fairness. For example , you could have, just like other reasonable people, waited and see what happened or simply have cancelled your order. Instead, you've organized a modern witch-hunt.
# I respect your oppinion, but the fact still stands that 2-CO is backing up Medison who is commiting a scam.

Anonymous said...

I have now "polisanmält" Medison to the swedish authorities. The reason is that Medison is using false information on their web-site to try to sell goods.

I have also filed a complaint to the Consumer agency "Konsumentverket" about false marketing.

I don't really think a lot will happen ... but maybe it will cause the great Valdi a little problem.

I really hate false people trying to be things they are. Valdi, you can be sure that I will watch your every move on the internet. And I will be very very fast in making sure that anyone that you colaborate with will get your resume ... and I am meaning your true resume...

Get back to drive a truck instead of trying to play you are a businessman ... because you are NOT!!!

I will celebrate with a bottle of Coke when I see you going to prison ... because this time you will ...

Anonymous said...

Dear Peter don't show Your weak knowledge by saying "I can understand something like this can happen in Nigeria or Russia, but Sweden???"
What You know about Russia and it's people? This couldn't happen just because they(we) are smart enough to analyze things. I'm sure there's none russians among the people who ordered the shit. We prefer to buy more solid things. I'm sure most of the orders came from USA. Our law and customer care works fine. So please, speak only when You know something for sure (like FCC) and go visit Russia.

Anonymous said...

Forget Russia and Nigeria. Those were negative comments that person made for sure. Let me make a more positive statement. The Medison Celebrity web site would not have lasted months like this in Canada. After a few complaints, our internet fraud and consumer protection people would have been all over this and the vendor and reseller would have had to come up with some facts and proof of the existence of the machines. Since we all know they cannot do that, they would have been shut down long ago. They would not be able to hide behind the privacy and confidentiality BS etc. like they have been doing with the public.

Anonymous said...

Forget Russia and Nigeria. Those were negative comments that person made for sure. Let me make a more positive statement. The Medison Celebrity web site would not have lasted months like this in Canada. After a few complaints, our internet fraud and consumer protection people would have been all over this and the vendor and reseller would have had to come up with some facts and proof of the existence of the machines. Since we all know they cannot do that, they would have been shut down long ago. They would not be able to hide behind the privacy and confidentiality BS etc. like they have been doing with the public.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double post. Glitch on my not so cheap T60 ThinkPad laptop.

Anonymous said...

That's really funny, because the site is now hosted in Canada by:

P.O. Box 1722,
Parksville, BC,
Canada, V9P 2H5

Anonymous said...

sorry, by

P.O. Box 1722,
Parksville, BC,
Canada, V9P 2H5

Anonymous said...

I didn't want to be negative about Sweden. In fact, besides Medison, it's a great country. Read this in today's news:

You need to copy that link in parts I'm afraid.

To some extent you could argue that what happened with Medison is that a not so honest guy moved to a country Sweden, known for being generally honest, and exploited this Swedish image when presenting himself towards 2CO and the rest of us believing a scam like this is something done by desparate people in poor countries.

Sounds better?

Anonymous said...

SHCE says--
in Canada?? Oh, great....

Anonymous said...

Maybe I need to be educated about this stuff but I don't see anything referring to Canada here
or here

Someone please educate me how we can tell who is hosting a site (and where they are).

Anonymous said...

go to
go to 'news'
go to 'valdi's weblog'
see page not found.

go to and click on contact.

address in in BC.

Anonymous said...

The domain is registered at

Look it up here:

And enter

Or try this one:

It's indeed in Canada.

Now Medison is even more international :-)

Anonymous said...

Ha, that just proves my point! He had a weblog at at one point. But it got shut down, since the page no longer exists! I see no indication or are hosted in my home and native Canada!


Anonymous said...

Well my web browser does give me page info for that shows "Database Provider ="
I'm embarrassed if that's true. I will get the Canadian authorities right on it!


Anonymous said...

"This couldn't happen [in Russia] just because they(we) are smart enough to analyze things. I'm sure there's none russians among the people who ordered the shit."

Vlad, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at your statement.

Why he might've been wrong to comment on Russia's laws, which he isn't aware about, you've tried to pin a counterclaim on something you 're not aware about either (that there are no Russian buyers).

Trust me, every single country in the world is full of stupid people. Hell, the "average" in most countries is mind-bogglingly stupid.

Still those people are good at plenty of other things which don't involve complex math/engineering. Some of them are great at arts. Some at monotonous work. Some of them (like Valdi) drive trucks, and they do it good.

But you can fool them any day about something like that (and this is nothing compared).

Anonymous said...

Clarifying note: I'm not saying all artists are stupid people, but I know some stupid people who are still great at arts...

Hope no painter or musician gets offended ;)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, painters and musicians have better stuff to do than read me.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say, you can also just enter directly if you really doubt the location of the hosting:

Yes, Canada indeed!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God. It's illegal in Canada to be a Swedish. He's so in jail.

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, my name on the 2Checkout forums is e because it's my first initial.

Easy as that.

It's a forum, I use a forum handle no different from thenisse, somebody, or any other person posting on the forum.

I'm not sure why that's a subject of parody, perhaps only people with 'real names' on their blogs can be taken seriously. I apologize that usage a proper name, regardless of it's necessity in context to what's being said.

Maybe you're right, and using a full name on blog posts is the only way to be considered a source of honest, pertinent information. Perhaps I can show my penitence by changing my handle to my birth name, Tommy Truthseeker?

Anonymous said...

"It's a forum, I use a forum handle no different from thenisse, somebody, or any other person posting on the forum."

I did the "parody", it was good natured, just something I though it'd be funny to write about.

The name handle is indeed not of great importance, but I also don't see why should a parody get someone worked up about it, so to post rebuttal.

What you did now is fuel further speculation that 2CO monitors and astroturfs this blog (never mind if you're "e" or pretending).

Anonymous said...

lol, wasn't there plenty of speculation about that already? everyone who posts a complaint on this board is called a plant anyways.

i was just bored, and your post made me laugh, so i wanted to get in on the fun. :D

besides, e is the most commonly used vowel in the english language, so the whole thing seems funny to me. you suddenly got so serious though when i just wanted to keep the joke going. who's the one getting worked up? XD

Anonymous said...

Sir, I'll ask you to stop astroturfing this blog or I'll Taze you.

Do you hear, me sir, I asked you to stop astroturfing this blog, or I'll Taze you.


Sir, quit astroturfing the forum or I'll do it again.

Sir, quit astroturfing the forum NOW or I'll do it again.


Jesus, why do they never learn.

Anonymous said...

youurar happpy you cna astroturd.

I trride too, but each time theey know ist is treh duslexiv, bad eie sight, poor motrol cntrsol guy.

Anonymous said...

Sir, stop typoing NOW or you get Tazed too.

Sir, I said STOP TYPOS NOW or you get Tazed too.


Oh my god, you made my Tazer typo too!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to chine in to support 2CO in this fiasco.

Tommy has gone too far. Yes, we 2CO supporters are all plants, but that doesn't make Tommy right.

Regards, Tulip Sniper

Anonymous said...

Tommy, Tommy :P

We need you to change our article, we totally pooped this article with our inane BS comments this time :(

Please Tommy, change the article, we pooped this article, we're all wet.

I'll cry :(

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of Groklaw. The guys there act more or less like you here, but they predicted the bankruptcy of SCO more accurately than many exprts did (long before it was obvious).

Groklaw follows multiple similar cases and has info to comment on. Should the info be scarce, or have nothing to work on, all comment plunge into series of cheap jokes, parodies and garbage.

Throw in a new case, and all this wild energy instantly gets organized into investigating the matter.

Bottom line is, you guys need another case to throw yourselves at. This one's dried up.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is correct George.

The blog gets on it's lowest entertainment level when nothing happens.

Valdi, please do or say something about your new career plans, make some new slogans on your web site or whatever you can do to keep this blog alive. You can also just add back that nice Brazilian music video you had originally. What happened to that one?

I'm even thinking about stopping the FCC ID topic now we all know there are no real laptop to sell. Afterall FCC kind of needs a sample of something in order for them to provide the approval before your Brazilian assembly plant goes into production.

Perhaps you could spend your weekend just simply explaining your remarkable business policy:

"Our business policy is to work with quality products and services based on scientific research"

It's very cool but I have no idea what it means. Like what kind of scientific research are you referring to?

If you need someone to help you make more of these slogans, this woman sounds (and appears) very good for that job:

Anonymous said...

before your Brazilian assembly plant goes into production.

But Valdi has said on his weblog that he went into production in Feb-07 in the Brazilian assembly plant together with his partners.

What a naughty boy he is, having more than one partner. I wonder if she knows.

Anonymous said...

I liked this show a lot, especially the first two seasons.

But the third season looks like they are stretching for new material and the script writers keep hitting old jokes and the 2CO conspiracy is definitely too awkward and unlikely for my taste.

Medison started as a very original show but I'm afraid the constant demand for more and more episodes meant less and less secrets, less and less plot twists and new things to say.

I guess they'll keep making it while the ratings pay the bills, but I've stopped watching it.