Saturday, August 4, 2007

A video...

(No, I'm not the author)

Edit: I do understand the criticism for posting this video. I posted it just before I went to bed yesterday and should have supplied more information about it.
The reason I posted it was that I try to collect all information regarding Medison here, whether or not it is "completely correct". As long as I have a source for the information I don't see any problem with it.
Now about the video, it really isn't as funny (and actually a bit true in a sad way) if you haven't listened to the press conference, which I guess most of you haven't since it's in Swedish. It's very spot on, and dealing with many of the strange things Valdi said. I really do believe that it's a good entry to the discussion.


Anonymous said...

You can hear them laugh at the end ... I do understand why ;-)

Anonymous said...

That's the good stuff, baby. =P

Anonymous said...

Every time he said "my partner, the [something ridiculous]" or "ye,.. that's right" it was cracking me up. Pure lunacy :D

He's also having a very cute accent, which makes the whole thing funnier.

Anonymous said...

The accent is SwEnglish, just like Wonka & Co would have done it.

Anonymous said...

Wow this was seriously gay. Pure haters just reaching for something to back there cause.

Anonymous said...

"Wow this was seriously gay. Pure haters just reaching for something to back there cause."

It was funny, I'm proud to be pure reaching hater gay, whatever, why put me into a box and label me anyway?

If you don't enjoy it, go elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

does this belong here?

Anonymous said...

irrelevant fake, waste of time

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, really funny video, and feels like they have gotten the characters right too ;)

Just feels that it was a bit off track, and removing some of the seriusness of this blog... But well, some humor shuld be right in place now to shine in the darkness ;)

Keep up the good work Tommy TruthSeeker, read this instead of the SwecForums now! Just love to get the relevant information only =)

Anonymous said...

"keep up the good work"

What good work?

This is rdiculous what he and all of u are doing.

Anonymous said...

You lost all credibility now...

Anonymous said...

GL with your site. soon to be very lonely in here i guess


Anonymous said...

“You lost all credibility now...”
-What credibility was lost, by whom?

This video is intended as being humorous (should be obvious to anyone).
The sad thing is that if you listen to the real press conference you will find that it was at least as crazy as the video (at least…).

Tommy TruthSeeker said...

See the updated entry on why I posted this.

Anonymous said...

"Now about the video, it really isn't as funny"

Come on Truthseeker, maybe since you're Sweden, but the dead pan delivery and the accent made it really funny IMHO..

"My partner.. the table"

"Yea... I and my partner .. Biooosh"

"I designed ee $150 compiooootier"

I loved it. I'm not making fun of Sweden, it's just very cute.

Anonymous said...

People come on! Don't be boring since Medison lies (which they call mistakes, the TELE2 and iMac colors is a top notch indicator of that shit) deserves not that funny video, but court and total disrepect. So, Tommy does a great job and absolutely objective. Keep up the good work, man!

Anonymous said...

Thnk you for posting the video, it is a relevant piece of informations somewhat accurately describing the press conference and Valdi.

Anonymous said...

The video is perfect. Humerous and highly appropriate.

You know, it IS possible to be accurate and funny at the same time. =)

Anonymous said...

"if you haven't listened to the press conference, which I guess most of you haven't since it's in Swedish. It's very spot on, and dealing with many of the strange things Valdi said."

No good soul willing to make an English transcription :) ?

Anonymous said...

"No good soul willing to make an English transcription :) ?"

- Please, please, please!

Tommy TruthSeeker said...

It's over 2 hours long ><

Anonymous said...

"It's over 2 hours long ><"

- Well, someone who knows Swedish and has a lot of spare time? Many will be graceful and the document will be read all over the world ...

Anonymous said...

`` It's over 2 hours long >< ``

Take micropayments, hahaha. If only medison knew how they CAN actually make money on the Internet...

Anonymous said...

--> It's over 2 hours long

Well Tommy, since there won't be news at least until August 15, how about you post every day 5 minutes of it (not as a blog post, but as a TXT file or page located elsewhere, to avoid polution) and link to it?

5 mins a day isn't so tedious to do and we'll gradually get there :) You can also skip the boring or non-informational parts.

Anonymous said...

Tommy, my previous post sounded as if we take your free work for granted, so I wanted to clarify: thank you for running this blog and keeping it updated.

I'm not saying you should or shouldn't do things, but just threw an idea out there about a possible way to have it translated without locking yourself in a room 48 hours and typing :D, if you wanted ;)

Anonymous said...

Where do I find the audio file of the recorded press conference (in swedish)?

Anonymous said...

You can get it from "PC För Alla" (misses the last minutes).

From (good version but hard to find).

Or as a torrent from:

Everything between the two "" should be on one line ...

Tommy TruthSeeker said...

Anonymous said...

Your domain isn't configured right so if you type "" without the www prefix then you get another site.

That is someone hijacked that DNS entry. I'd get that fixed if I were you...

Tommy TruthSeeker said...

Yeah I know, it's hard to get that stuff wokring with blogspot and godaddy. It's not hijacked, it's godaddys parkingpake. I'm working to get it right, thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

Very funny video...
The distance between being a lunatic and a genious is some times not very far.
I'm sure his motivation is from articles like this:

"Only" problems seem to be he has no money, no experience, no partners, no factory, no support system, no distribution system, no track record, no organisation and no product (he is using Clevo's). On the other hand, this is maybe the only possible approach for Valdi the CEO to in some way get into this new low cost laptop business? But personally I think the odds are higher for him getting in jail than making himself the lowest cost computing firm of the world.

Anonymous said...

FINALLY got to watch this video, Youtube is blocked here at work.

This is hilarious, ive watched it several times over. I dont care if its stuffed animals, I understand and appreciate the work that this guy has done. He's done the best he could in creating a reenactment of this farcical press conference.

Good job, though I dont quite understand why he listed the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization as inpsiration.