To:, Inc
By: Tommy Truthseeker
August 29th
Gothenburg, Sweden
Dear Sirs and Madams and To Whom It May Concern,
Let me first state that everything told in this letter is based upon facts if nothing else is stated. If you have any questions regarding the source of information of any given statement, please contact me and I will provide the source.
This letter addresses the concerns and issues with, Inc (2co) supplier Medison Europe Limited (Medison) and/or Valdi Ivancic (Valdi) and 2co’s role, responsibility and handling of this matter.
1. The first question I ask why 2Co, as the serious company you claim to be, continue to have Medison as a supplier, after being notified about that the following about Medison and/or their CEO Valdi:
* The company and/or it’s CEO Valdi has at multiple occasions lied and exaggerated about their history, the products they sell and many more things.
* The company doesn’t have any valid contact options for its customers. No phone or fax-numbers. No monitored e-mail. No valid shipping or visiting address.
* They don’t answer any questions from the press after being confronted about a confirmed lie.
* A company who’s only employed person and CEO are applying for a head position at a Swedish county, this with a CV consisting almost only of lies and exaggerations.
* A company and person whose past in business only has managed to loose money and doing suspicious things.
* A company that violate several laws in the country that they are based.
* A company that several times have proven not to have the competence or possibility to pull of a project like this.
* A company that even can’t provide any information on what the final price will be, not even how much shipping are and how it will be paid.
* A company that can’t provide any information when their product will be shipped.
* A company that can’t even update their own website with correct information. For example, “Due to the unexpectedly high traffic to our support line past 24 hours it broke down” has been stated on their site for over one month.
Again, why oh why would ANY sane, serious company do business with a proven unserious and incompetent company and/or person like this?
My next questions are regarding 2Co’s previous and current handling of this matter.
2. For almost four weeks ago, one of your employees wrote on your forum: “We're definitely working with Medison to clarify the shipping issues. You'll see more information made available as it becomes available.” No new information has been given since then. Why is this?
3. Almost three weeks ago one of your employees wrote on your forum: “The order form *will* be corrected. Unfortunately, my point team on resolving many inquiries was collectively unavailable but you'll see the some presentment changes and clarification made soon”. Also the information that this problem existed was notified almost five week ago. This issue has not been resolved and it still says “Scandinavia – FREE” as only shipping option, when Valdi him self has stated that all customer must pay for shipping. Why hasn’t this been fixed as you stated it would be? How do you define “soon”?
4. When confronted about the fact that the recent shipping notices didn’t contain any tracking numbers for the shipping, you answered: “We do not need a tracking number to do verifications this is done by telephone”. When asked about if Medison would need to provide tracking numbers earlier, you reply was: “We will require tracking information in this case. Due to the large number of orders we will undoubtedly permit an alternative method for supplying 2Checkout with that information in place on having to individually enter tracking information for each order”. Why did you change your standpoint on this?
5. You previously stated:
“We've been really supportive and responsive to many questions but, at the end of the process, customers who ordered and have not already canceled will receive one of two communications from 2CO:
a). We're canceling your order, or;
b). Your order is ready to be shipped -- please reauthorize this sale”.
Now the shipping notices were just sent out without any more information and money was withdrawn. Why was this changed?
Let’s continue with some current customer concerns:
6. How long time do you estimate that the shipping will take? When will you start to contact customers that have had their order marked as shipped?
7. How do you handle customers in different time zones when calling for verification?
8. How long will a customer need to wait until they get a full refund if no computer arrives?
9. If a customer claims that they haven’t received any computer, but Medison claims that they have shipped it, how will you handle it if you don’t have any tracking numbers? Let’s say that 10 customers say that they have received computers and 10 say that they haven’t.
10. If a customer receives a defective unit or feels that the order doesn’t meet his or her expectations, how will this be handled, especially when there isn’t any way for customers to contact Medison? Will the customer need to pay for shipping for returns and/or service if this is needed?
11. From where are the orders shipped?
12. How many orders will you verify before any money is transferred to the supplier? Will you halt the payment process if just one or two persons claim that they haven’t received any shipment?
Last but most important question:
13. What would make you to stop your artificial life support of this whole mess? When the customers have waited xx months for their shipments? When the first customer claims to have received something else than a computer? When the second batch of computers isn’t shipped after xx months? When you get to know that Medison can’t handle returns or service of the sold units?
And please don’t just reply with the standard “the customers’ money is safe”, “we can’t comment on this or that”, or that “we have to wait it out” for an undefined period of time. This is bigger that that. The longer you keep your support of this alive, the more you show potential scammers how easy it is to scam people (not trough you, but in general) and are enabling other companies or persons to get hurt in the meantime in other ways because they think that this is 100% legit since you still are supporting it so strongly.
Please try to understand that I only do this in the interest of the customers and consumers in general. I have absolutely nothing to gain from this personally at all, I just do it pro bono.
Tommy Truthseeker - Medison Celebrity: Scam or just a bad idea?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
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// The longer you keep your support of this alive, the more you show potential scammers how easy it is to scam people //
Let's be fair, it's easy to scam people with or without this mess.
In fact this is one of the most convoluted ways I've seen for a scam, EVAH.
The supposed scam scheme would be that somewhere after 2CO stops phone checks, and chargeback expires on the average card, Medison will eventually get part of the money for the orders.
And the potential (but so far non-existing) money from banner ads on their site.
It's far, far easier to just spam a "please click here to login to your paypal account" scam and let people give you their logins the moment it hits their mailbox.
We have a major exception on our hands, and hence no precedent in handling it. Well, looks like 2CO have no precedent at handling.
It looks like they're trying to set one and making lots of tough decisions behind the scene.
Let them breath. The outcome WILL hit us sooner than later. It's August 30, and first delivery should be August 31.
Total number of hits on our website since April 2007: 1 429 694
Number of hits per month since April 2007: 357 423
never been updated
Tommy, I must say you really, really are a hero...! Thanks for doing all this job for us. Perhaps this letter will open up thier eyes and mouth...!
I see Tommy sued for harassment and libel in September :)
Nah, just kidding.. but Tommy please keep the things balanced.
Couldn't you wait with this open letter after August 31-st?
We'd have more information, and Medison's second deadline would be down.
Anyway, what's done is done.
nice questions, really hits the point
but i have a feeling that 2Co wont be answering any of the questions
I mean if I was 2CO, I would care less about some unknown dude asking sensitive and threatening questions regarding their service
I know saying 'threatening' is inappropriate and i am sure tommy has no such intention, but objectively speaking those questions are designed to force answers.
and finally i want to say:
1. IF this was a scam: medison did a good job, and 2CO is gonna get hurt
2. IF this wasn't a scam: Medison and 2CO both presented a bad business image. Even though it's not a scam, they are not worth doing business with.
3. either way they'll die
lalalalalala i'm tired...
I think it's a tactical mistake to be so aggressive towards 2checkout. It makes you look like a Don Quijote who takes charge at any windmill out there. What's next, an open letter to Visa and MasterCard why they don't prosecute Valdi? Or why not go after his the web hotel where the web site is kept.
Be more subtle. Walk softly and carry a big stick.
"I think it's a tactical mistake to be so aggressive towards 2checkout."
-Why? All questions are very relevant AND 2CO should, if everything was OK, not have any problem to answer them.
Remember that 2CO are sitting on a huge pile of money (their customer’s money). 2CO does also say that they have met Valdi for two days. The only information they give to their customers is "we have met him for two days". Two days and no proof of any existing product is not an impressive result ...
Tommy, good job. There are a lot of people on this planet that wont question anything around them and let even the worst insanity continue.
2CO is not running their business responsibly by ignoring hard facts about a supplier like Medison and letting their customers down in this way.
There is no excuse when it comes to the moment of judgement. They certainly received all the facts and concerns.
2CO simply did not do any level of due diligence!
I don't know what legal actions can be made against 2CO but I wish people who actually ordered this laptop join in some way for a class action lawsuit against 2CO for a serious damage compensation and public appology.
Perhaps you Tommy can gather a list of people who would like to join such action?
I suggest this settlement: 2CO is required to provide a free laptop with similar or better specifications to ALL victims...period.
"There are a lot of people on this planet that wont question anything around them and let even the worst insanity continue."
If this is the worst insanity you saw, my boy, you have a lot to see yet.
In the real world, when a business deal is blatantly suspucious, you don't go for it, since there's good chance it won't occur the way you imagined.
I enjoy your enthusiasm that 2CO should cover for someone else's stupidity and provide free laptops.
They're just a payment provider, not a brain substitution. If someone signed up for a ridiculous deal that can't happen, the best they should do is refund you.
"It makes you look like a Don Quijote who takes charge at any windmill out there."
Couldn't have said it better.
Tommy, you know why you manage this blog, we know why we manage this blog, and we know why we read this blog.
Let's not pretend that the avalanche of questions is designed to protect people from anything.
Anyone looking at the previous articles, and realistically, knows this is not happening.
What you want now, is more juice, and a pay off: Valdi finally submitting to the opinion we formed for him, and retracting the site and the laptop product.
There are far worse scams out there happening right now. Why none of us is interested in people scammed into giving away their credit cards on a truly fake site.
They stand to lose far more than $150 being locked for a month and refunded.
I'll tell you why: because it's not interesting, it's not funny, it's not unexpected, while Valdi's act is all of the above.
So we track the issue and this blog is a useful source of information: that's great, thanks for your hard work. Let's keep it down to that. Don't pretend to be some sort of Internet police going on the 2CO and demanding answers to something even they don't have a clue about (I suspect).
This is what I was afraid of, overly eager approach to the matter at hand would skew the issue.
The issue is: 2CO keeps supporting (their name means something!) a company with no product and contacts. that lies to their customers.
They shouldn't support it.
The issue was skewed to: why tormenting 2CO and Medison non-stop for the past month.
Both are actual issues. While 2CO doesn't act logically, neither do the people attacking them. We need a finer touch for these things, or people will suspect we have the wrong goal here...
Tommy GREAT WORK, we love you!
Tommy, you're sounding more and more like a religious fanatic.
Be careful not to loose your credibility.
You (and the rest of us) don't know the whole story.
Valdi's biggest mistake so far is that he was so (too) open with the press in the first place - BEFORE having the whole setup in place.
Look around you. How many companies disclose detailed information about their plans, partners, strategies etc. to the public before it is all in place?
It is actually very possible that Valdi had all this planned and ALMOST setup, until he made the mistake of being open towards the press.
After this it was all downhill. This site has made a big contribution towards slaundering Valdi, basically based on lack of actual knowledge (or un-answered questions)
If a question is not answered, it doesn't mean that there isn't an answer.
This blog automatically assumes that a non-answered question means that there's something wrong..
Think about Apple and the iPhone... There was a lot of theories and disucssions, and questions about that one - none of them was answered by Apple. But HEY.... there actually was an iPhone, and they had it all done without disclosing details to the public. So using your logic, would this also have been considered a scam??
Come on..... If this turns out to be a failure - you might just be a big part of it.
Which brings me to another point....
What is your interest in this? - Who do you work for?
For all I know, you might be setup by the competition to make sure that Medison fails...
So far you are doing a great job of trying to ruin every single business partnership they try to establish.
I can understand why Valdi has gone underground!
"They're just a payment provider, not a brain substitution. If someone signed up for a ridiculous deal that can't happen, the best they should do is refund you. "
2co is not a payment provider, they call themselves a reseller with contracted vendors.
I think you have to sue 2co and 2co have to sue valdi.
"2Checkout Inc. (2CO) is a reseller for thousands of online businesses. If you have a 2CO or 2Checkout charge on your statement, it is very likely that you or someone in your household placed an online order with one of our contracted vendors."
I wonder if there's someone with a SANE opinion over here.
The company says insane things.
The payment processor says insane things.
The blogs following the story also say insane things (like this blog).
And now, even those who strive for more adult approach to the topic say insane things too:
"Come on..... If this turns out to be a failure - you might just be a big part of it.
Which brings me to another point....
What is your interest in this? - Who do you work for?
For all I know, you might be setup by the competition to make sure that Medison fails...
So far you are doing a great job of trying to ruin every single business partnership they try to establish."
Dude, how are we supposed to be partial to your views if you end an otherwise legitimate concern with conspiracy bullshit like that? You're no better than any of us now.
A blog can't ruin an entire enterprise based on solid contracts, facts and business plan.
It can only be used as an excuse. Are you trying to preemptively find excuses for failure here?
Tommy, since you're apparently so good at ruining business, who do you plan to ruin next.
Apple, Microsoft, Google? I mean, you can apparently do it, you know.. it's all your fault!
The gnomes were signing their resignations like crazy after they checked this blog.
No, I'm just trying to illustrate, that the truth is very seldom pure black or pure white.
And the "conspiracy theory" is just a provocation to show that it takes nothing more than a little imagination to make up all kinds of theories that might or might nok be true, but can easily be blown out of proportion.
"And the "conspiracy theory" is just a provocation to show that it takes nothing more than a little imagination to make up all kinds of theories that might or might nok be true, but can easily be blown out of proportion."
This kind of provocation is cheap since a drunk retarded monkey could write it with one hand tied behind its back. No offense.
What this situation needs more of, is adult handling of the topic. That precludes the use of provocation.
Of course, what this situation needs more of, is most likely not what Tommy and the readers of this blog need more off. And we want entertainment. He's striving for this, maybe not his initial goal, but now it damn well is.
"Of course, what this situation needs more of, is most likely not what Tommy and the readers of this blog need more off."
-So, how are YOU contributing to the "needs of this situation"?
TT has not offended anybody, neither 2CO, Medison or Valdi.
They all offend themselves by lying or not giving answers to relevant questions.
I have 3 teenagers who all wants a laptop for their studies.
Thanks to TT and others I managed to stop them from ordering.
Start your own sites if you want to do 2CO commercial or having Valdi for president
Leave this to us who what to know the truth.
"This kind of provocation is cheap since a drunk retarded monkey could write it with one hand tied behind its back. No offense."
That is hardly fair.
Actually there are lots of indications that it could be true, but that doesn't MAKE it true, does it?
I mean, the whole medisonscam issue is based on a lot of indications as well, but that doesn't necessarily MAKE it true, does it?
"That is hardly fair.
Actually there are lots of indications that it could be true, but that doesn't MAKE it true, does it?
I mean, the whole medisonscam issue is based on a lot of indications as well, but that doesn't necessarily MAKE it true, does it?"
This is an argument fallacy since our entire perception of the world is based on indications.
Hell, the entire science is built on possibly-untrue indications, yet the industry revolution is based on this possibly-flawed science.
A rational mind would take the evidence and opt for the most likely explanation supported by all that evidence.
A non rational mind will use obscure arguments to tell us nothing is true until there's not even 0.0000000000000000000000001% doubt.
A rational mind would take the evidence and opt for the most likely explanation supported by all that evidence.
Yup... for me the story ended when I clicked "price" and saw the spec, and the price they ask for it.
That evidence alone said "this product doesn't exist today at this price", from then on, anything that ever came out supported that "theory".
It's just pure entertainment watching their attempt to bend reality into their own preferred shape.
I don't undertstand the point of deciding that this is a scam before actual evidence of that is presented, and I don't think raising the question about Tommys string interest in this affair even come close to a conspiracy theory. That's a very legit concern.
My theory is that you are all just a mob of assholes who have found a fool (Valdi) to mock around. If he is a fool because he think he will pull off his scam, or because he thinks he'll manage to actually deliver the computers, I have no idea. The credability of this blog is long since lost and no one reading it will find it convincing enough to be stopped from ordering a computer from Medison. They'll just think that it's sponsored by other laptop manufacturers.
Maybe this is all just a part of Valdi's ingenious plan. Getting all this attention by apearing to be a pulling off a scam, and then getting a lot more attention when he actually delivers the first few computers. Then when everybody rushes to buy computers he'll quickly change payment method to one where he gets the money without a delivery confirmation and then runs off with the money.
Make no mistake. The burden of proof that the laptop even exists lies entirely with Medison.
You can't say that "I have vague indications that you can buy a laptop for $150 so give me the money please." You have to do better than that.
You can't say "I have two secret factories in Brazil" and expect to be believed.
You can't say "I have shipped someone a secret computer with a secret delivery date from my secret factory, so give me more money now."
The ALMOST theory above is the same. Saying you ALMOST won a million dollars just makes other people snicker. The statement "You can ALMOST buy a $150 laptop from me" is not what Valdi said, he has been quite vocal in saying that you CAN buy a laptop from him. Now it's time to prove he wasn't bullshitting us!
Note that we are potential customers of Valdi: Our only request is a very simple one: SHOW US THE LAPTOPS!
And if you are gullible enough to be satisfied with a Czech demo unit that had its serial number removed, I have a cheap bridge I can offer you.
Humor!!! :-)
I can't belive that some people are taking this soooo seriously.
I love this story, I have followed your blog (thanks TT) a couple of weeks. We have all the stuff for a great drama, the pathological lier with delusions of grandeur. A webpage designed by a person without graphic or language skills. Not to forgette the press trying to report on this event ...
You don't have to be a phsych major to understand what is going on. This shows the power of the Internet ... poor Valdi had no idea this would become so big. He had thought that he could make some money on advertising ... but again his "delusions of grandeur" made all possible partners withdraw ... fast.
Everybody knows that Valdi is full of sh*t ... but he is so slick that when u confront him, he finds another lie instead. In Sweden we have a saying "Tror du mig inte så ljuger jag ännu mer" meaning if you don't belive me I will lie even more". I think this is very true for Valdi.
I think that many people wait for(at least I do) when someone can say to Valdi --- YOU WHERE LYING AND HERE IS THE PROF ----
This will not be solved fast though ... Valdi will come up with excuse after excuse. I am sure that 2CO will stop managing payment in two weeks, it will be clear to them also that Valdi is sick ...
Everything is going to end with Valdi saying that it was not his fault ... he could have delivered 300 000 computers if it had not been for the media and blogs like this. He will soon after start new ventures ... but fortunatly (thanks to the internet) he will be "smoked" because everybody that googles him will have a good laugh, but most likely not do business with him ...
Tommy, thanks again for the entertainment ... don't take this too seriously ... we all know that Valdi is a fake, and that Medison is an invention of a rather sick mind.
it will be clear to them also that Valdi is sick ...
I agree with you except for one thing.
Remember that there were two other persons at the 2½ hour press conference, both close to Valdi .
They should know if something is clearly wring with Valdi and I doubt all tree have the same disease.
To Pete,
I think that the other people in the "Medison Management team" might be a little bit foled as well. These people have other full-time jobs, they are only helping a friend out a little bit. Valdi is very carismatic and a seasoned lier. I am sure, however, that they are "shaking" a little bit right now when they are starting to realize that Valdi doesn't have any computers. They will shake even more when 2CO is discontinuing their agreement which I am sure will happen quiet fast.
Soon we will hear from them also saying "We got foled by Valdi to ..."
I think Valdi's friends believes he ALMOST had a deal.
"Remember that there were two other persons at the 2½ hour press conference, both close to Valdi .
They should know if something is clearly wring with Valdi and I doubt all tree have the same disease."
Right, but they only own 2,5% each in the company, and Valdi is the one who tell the direction. My guess is that the other two (four?) persons in the company have been fooled like many other of us have been. And now they can do nothing but pretending (hoping) Valdi´s plan will success.
Remember that Valdi is a very special person... He has very big visons and great ideas, but is not always in contact with reality. If he gets "air under his wings" they can take him to fantasy heaven. Therfore I think it is very important to analyze his projects and stop him before he is totally out in the blue. Otherwise he´ll hurt both himself and other people.
I think TT is doing a great job for that reason!
"My theory is that you are all just a mob of assholes who have found a fool (Valdi) to mock around."
Although your formulation is a bit drastic, I basically agree with this statement.
Whether or not any laptops will be delivered, one result is clear. This blog is an outstanding example of how easily witch-hunting mobs can assemble on the Net. Then again, this happens on Usenet daily, so it's not very special.
/Right, but they only own 2,5% each in the company, and Valdi is the one who tell the direction. My guess is that the other two (four?) persons in the company have been fooled like many other of us have been. And now they can do nothing but pretending (hoping) Valdi´s plan will success.
Maybe right but we haven't been foled? And remember that Robert Klankac (birthday 15/8 when first delivery was intended) is his cousin and he should be avare if Valdi is in sain. Aslo Valdi is a family man and don't fool any of them.
"Maybe right but we haven't been foled? And remember that Robert Klankac (birthday 15/8 when first delivery was intended) is his cousin and he should be avare if Valdi is in sain. Aslo Valdi is a family man and don't fool any of them.
What's your logic here. You gotta be a business genius to have Robert Klankac (who is he anyway) for a cousin.. and be married?
Poor logic.
This blog is an outstanding example of how easily witch-hunting mobs can assemble on the Net.
I disagree. This is not a witch-hunt.
We are pointing out that the offer is too good to be true. The burden of proof is Medison's. It is not up to us to prove that the laptop does not exist - it is up to Medison to prove it does.
/What's your logic here. You gotta be a business genius to have Robert Klankac (who is he anyway) for a cousin.. and be married?
Sorry, his name is Klanjac and the logic is. Dont know if I understand you righ but, Robert Klanjac is not married, or Klanjac is Valdis cousin and is part of family in my translation.
Valdi is a family man, I know!
And he do NOT fool his family
Robert Klanjac
CEO Scandinavia
Well done TT!
This medison-mess has been very interresting to follow. In the beginning I was impressed by 2CO, they helped me and others. I have lost my trust in 2CO too now. They should have cancelled all buisiness with Valdi and refunded all money long ago.
Keep up the work TT. We should write a book about this some day!
2CO can say what they want, but I will tell you this: I almost ordered an e-book off a website yesterday until I saw that the purchase would go through 2CO. I immediately left the website, deleted the bookmark, and won't do business there.
2CO is doing serious damage to their own integrity (if they have any), and ,worse, they are unfairly bringing questionable integrity to their clients.
2CO is just as bad as Valdi because they are complicit in his scam.
Keep up the good work Tommy. We appreciate it!
Come on people wait a till the deadline, then start demanding answers, geeze i think you can understand why they don't answer, each time they answer something, you ask more questions.
What have they actually answered?
All they have said is, we will call to verify delivery before funds are released.
Is that every order? A few orders? Will I get called?
How much is shipping?
When will these actually ship?
Plenty of questions that really should be answered.
Do you buy ANYTHING on the web without knowing shipping?
Do you ever buy ANYTHING off the web from somebody with zero track record?
Oh, and btw, the deadline was Aug 15th. We've already waited.
"Valdi is a family man, I know!
And he do NOT fool his family
Pete, it seems like you know this person and his qualities very well. Why don´t you contact him and ask him the truth...? For sure he will not fool around with you...??!
Let's stop shooting at Valdi. 2CO is the company that fraudulently get's your private information, takes orders for something that so obviously doesn't exist and receives the money for it.
I honestly believe you have the best intentions in mind disputing this laptop sale. However, I can clearly see why you are seeing noticeable hesitation with any kind of action. Your grammar and use of vocabulary are TERRIBLE! I do not doubt that Medison is in serious trouble here (at the very least in terms of reputation), but you cannot expect good results from your letter to 2co with sentences like:
"The first question I ask why 2Co, as the serious company you claim to be, continue to have Medison as a supplier, after being notified about that the following about Medison and/or their CEO Valdi:"
By chance, did you attend a university in South Carolina?
That's just the fine "skin" of writing issues I found with your letter. You have to sharpen your communications skills if you expect to see any kind of results with big corporations in today's society. I'll admit that I'm no English professor, but if I want to take the time to blast someone/something, I remember to write or speak while I'm in a clear state of mind (never annoyed or angry), and I will use spell check and even edit before sending (gasp!).
Sorry to criticize your blog so bluntly. I do hope Medison either delivers on the laptop, or they receive serious "beat down" justice for not carrying through on all the hype they've raised. Initially, I was interested in purchasing one of these laptops. Not now, however. After reviewing all the bad press (your blog included), they would have to greatly impress me at this point for me to reconsider.
I do wish you all the best in your endeavor. Just write wisely when ranting.
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